Happy fall guys! What better way to kick off our favorite month of the year with a great weekend: Oktoberfest and Rising Tide Anniversary Party! We had a great time serving up steins and hanging out with you. And thanks Rising Tide for letting us be a part of your 6th Anniversary Celebration.
The rest of our events start right up this Friday for First Friday. Stop by for food and drink specials, live beats with Mosart212. Afterwards, check out fellow Pig member, Ryan LaMunyon's book release at Pinecone+Chickadee!
Next week, welcome Framingham, MA, Jack's Abby Craft Lagers with a tap feature on Thursday, followed by live music from New York, NY's band Out of System Transfer, Friday night!
And at the end of the month, come check out our Spooky Brunch before Halloween!
Don't forget our live bands with Prime the Pump every Saturday, our favorite jammer, James Wholey every Sunday, and stay tuned for our Brewer of the Month Dog with Allagash Brewing.
Last but not least, get ready Portland Beer Week!! November 6-12
Happy October, Fall, and Halloween from the pig crew!