Pig Crew

Getting to know you

Yesterday was interview day for our marketing series with Knack Factory. Along with Allison, Dave and Matt, we were able to get some great people from our fellow beer community not only talk about about our sausages but the great craft beer industry we live in.

It was great hearing their stories and where The Pig fits in. One by one each interviewee touched upon the camaraderie between the industry. Instead of rivalries and alliance there is a mutual respect from each individual to brewery, to the supporting businesses in Greater Portland. 

Thanks to Tim of Mariner Beverages, Heather with Rising Tide and Maine Brewer's Guild. Thanks to crew Allison, Dave and Matt, plus our former pig crew Peter and Josh who've moved on to Bissell Brothers and Sniff's soon-to-be craft beer distributorship, Sleek Machine Distro.

Plus special thanks to Knack Factory. You guys and your new space are amazing!